Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Vintage Sale... at my house! (05-15-12)

Farmhouse Vintage Sale (Oak Grove - Milwaukie)

Date: 2012-05-15, 11:10PM PDT
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

Friday May 25 and Saturday May 26, 9 am - 5 pm. NO EARLY BIRDS (no kidding).

VINTAGE ONLY SALE hosted by No Ducks and Bunnies Vintage.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to attend a sale featuring fabulous VINTAGE items in a lovely park-like setting: home decor, china, sewing, garden, small furniture, chairs, dressers, trunks, -even bridal dresses-, and more...

From Mc:Loughlin Blvd./Hwy 99, West on Oak Grove Blvd; South on Linden to 2323 Creighton Ave.

The Ducks and Bunnies house is the charming old yellow farmhouse behind the green doublewide at the corner. The property is accessible by foot via driveways on Creighton Ave. and on Sarah Lane.


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